IC: New Vulcan Delayed Again?

January 29, 2429 - The founding of the New Vulcan Colony has been hit by a tremendous blow today. While making preparations for President Gruzy's christening ceremony, Lieutenant Commander Vauan Nerj of Starfleet One has disappeared. The investigative team lead by Commander Nathan Hawkins and Doctor Sherwin Porter has found the Security Chief's communicator and tricorder, but there is no trace of the Commander himself.

Admiral Gregory Coulson, the recently appointed Commanding Officer of Starfleet One following its critical malfunction while investigating the Attack on Betazed, had this to say: "The crew of this ship are devastated by the loss of Lieutenant Commander Vauan Nerj. He has been an amazing Security Chief and losing the experiences not only of the Commander but the Trill Symbiont he hosted is tragic. We will not rest until the person, or persons, responsible are brought to justice."

This comes at a critical time as the President's remarks are scheduled to begin only an hour from now. If delayed this will be the second time that an emergency has prevented the official launch of this important colony world following the Attack on Betazed. A member of the President's entourage - speaking on a condition of anonimity - insists that the President has no plans to delay the ceremony a second time.

New Vulcan has been seen as a personal project of the President since the Tragedy of Vulcanis Lunar Colony. With the Romulan/Vulcan Reunification becoming an unescapable reality, Vulcanis Lunar Colony was the last Vulcan world that had chosen to remain with the Federation. President Gruzy, who was on the planet at the time of the attack, is one of the few survivors and has vowed that New Vulcan would be christened during his Administration.

Complicating matters is the continued degradation of the Federation/Klingon Alliance. Starfleet reports that a large contingent of Klingon vessels have arrived at the border and are requesting political asylum within the Federation. The Klingon Empire has denounced this and demanded that the request be immediately denied. Ambassador Teagarden has been dispatched to meet with the Klingon High Council, but so far he has been unsuccessful to restore peace to the troubled Empire. Many analysts are convinced that the Klingons are on the verge of a Civil War and some believe that Ambassador Teagarden himself is trying to push this.

The Federation News Network will continue to keep a close eye on the developments at New Vulcan and keep the citizens of the Federation updated on what is happening. No matter how devastating these events could be.

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