Emergency Procedures

Working and operating within deep space can be a dangerous situation filled with multiple possible emergency scenarios. To help to compensate for these risks Starfleet has established multiple procedures to ensure safety for all personnel in the event of a hazardous situation.

Abandon Ship

In the event that a starbase or starship becomes uninhabitable the need may arise to signal the evacuation of a deck, a section, or perhaps even the entire evacuation of the facility in order to maximize the chances of saving the crew. Ordered by the Commanding Officer - or, in the event that the Captain is unavailable, the highest ranking crewmember available - evacuation is a multipronged effort to ensure survival. During this mode all Transporters are brought online, Shuttlebays are fully enabled with all available craft fueled, and all lifeboats are activated. Security personnel would deploy to every deck to escort personnel safely to their assigned evacuation area for immediate departure from the facility with a particular focus on the evacuation of any injured personnel. At the completion of the evacuation, if the facility was unable to be salvaged, the Autodestruct Sequence could be initiated to destroy the entire structure to prevent it from being captured. Once safely away from the site, protocol dictated that all vessels coordinated with one another for defensive purposes until rescue could be achieved. All lifepods would connect (also known as gaggle mode) in order to maximize resources until rescue. Shuttles would patrol the immediate area while others would attempt to establish contact with nearby allies to provide assistance.

Antimatter Containment Failure

Antimatter containment is the process by which antimatter and matter are kept separated aboard a starship via the usage of complex magnetic fields. Despite multiple redundancies, in some situations this system can become damaged with the field stability dropping below 15% - which results in an extremely dangerous situation known as an antimatter containment failure that could lead to a devastating explosion. In the event of this happening the Engineering crew would begin an emergency process to shut down the Warp Drive to prevent the system from destabilizing further and forcefields would be engaged to attempt to prevent extensive damage from any explosion experienced. If the situation degrades further the fuel could be vented into space in an effort to stabilize the situation; however, this process could expose any crewmembers in the immediate vicinity to catastrophic atmospheric loss.

Autodestruct Sequence

Designed to prevent an installation from falling into the hands of a foreign power or other associated disaster, the Autodestruct Sequence is utilized to destroy a station or starship before the situation becomes untenable. Due to failsafe protocols authorization for the destruct sequence must be initiated by the senior officer available and be supported by at minimum on additional senior officer on duty. The primary method of completion is the artificial creation of a Warp Core breach; however, in the event that this is not possible, secondary explosive charges throughout the superstructure will be detonated to complete the destruction sequence. In the event that the emergency situation is contained it is possible for the destruct sequence to be aborted. In extreme situations, as verified by the main computer, it is possible for the system to override the system and initiate with only the authorization of the Commanding Officer. Additionally, the program can be disabled in situations of extreme damage to the main computer.

Emergency Evacuation

Under current interstellar law any station or vessel that receives an emergency distress call requesting aid is legally required to render whatever assistance it can except for if that safety of the crew is called into question. Due to this most starships have been specially designed to serve as emergency search and rescue platforms to provide the requested help. The installation will normally enter into a higher alert level as if begins the evacuation process. Traditionally any and all survivors will be brought aboard via transporter; however, shuttlecraft and associated vessels can also be utilized to render aid. Medical personnel are brought to full alert and are dispatched to provide emergency medical care to any injured survivors. Cargo areas and shuttlebays are normally converted to serve as emergency hospitals and even to provide lodging while survivors are returned to their home.

Emergency Landing

Due to recent advancements in technology more and more vessels are being designed to incorporate the ability to complete an emergency landing on a suitable planet in order to protect the lives of a vessel's crew. For some vessels the entire craft has been designed to complete the landing sequence; however, in some older designs, this process is not possible and an emergency saucer separation can be completed for the planetfall sequence. When initiated the ship will maximize power to the structural integrity matrix and bring shields to maximum power. If possible the vessel will engage a controlled descent toward the surface and actively scan for a suitable landing site capable of supporting the vessel and devoid of obstruction. The ship would make a level approach, heading towards the landing zone at a slight angle. If equipped landing gear would engage to stabilize the vessel and allow for a safe landing; however, on vessels that were not equipped with this technology, the ship would be required to skid across the surface until it came to a stop. Normally this would leave the vessel unsalvageable; however, with luck, the crew would be saved.

Energy/Fuel Shortage

Despite advances made in the area of fuel consumption and energy conservation it is possible for a starship or station to run low on energy and fuel reserves. Should this occur multiple safeguards could be employed to limit the usage of the remaining fuel until it could be replenished or an alternate source of power found. In this situation the holodecks, Offensive Systems, Replicators, Transporter, Turbolifts, and the Warp Drive would be taken offline due to their heavy energy requirements. Inertial Dampeners, Life-Support, Sensors, Shields, and Structural Integrity would be taken to minimum output levels to aid with conservation. Should replenishment not be possible evacuation could be considered as a final option.


While initially a significant danger for a space based installation, fire extinguishment has become a routine emergency process onboard most installations in recent years. Typically internal sensors will automatically detect the changes in temperature and environment indicating a fire has started and will initialize protocols installed inside the Computer Systems. Internal forcefields engage automatically around the fire in an effort to extinguish it before it can expand by removing the oxygen from the affected area. Engineering personnel are notified and will respond with extinguishers to help contain the situation in the event of failure on the part of the forcefields. In extreme situations the area can be evacuated and exposed to space.

Inertial Dampener Failure

Due to the incredible speeds at which most starships travel and starbases rotate any loss of inertial dampening is a critical, potentially lethal, event due to the extreme stresses that will affect the humanoid body. Should the system fail the speed at which the craft was traveling could not be changed until the inertial dampening system could be restored as any acceleration or deceleration would immediately kill anyone aboard.

Intruder Alert

During the standard operation of any station or vessel it is possible that it will come into conflict with an external force. During this situation it is possible that enemy forces will be able to infiltrate the facility in an effort to capture it. Should this situation occur an intruder alert will be immediately called either by a member of the crew or automatically by the main computer. The security systems will automatically attempt to contain the threat with forcefields and security personnel will be deployed to the affected area in an attempt to apprehend the assailants. Should nonessential personnel be in the immediate vicinity of the threat the security systems will attempt to isolate them from the threat via locked doors or by deploying security personnel to escort them away from the combat zone. In an extreme situation - should the emergency become untenable and the installation would truly be at risk of falling into enemy hands - the entire area can be exposed to space or the autodestruct protocols engaged.

Life-Support Failure

Despite multiple safeguards designed to ensure the continued operation of a facility's life support systems in some, rare, situations it is possible for the environmental systems to fail and become a risk to the crew. For most installations the internal volume, coupled with minimal power to the ventilation fans, is sufficient to keep the crew alive for multiple days barring structural disaster. Should the situation become critical nonessential locations aboard the facility would be evacuated and emergency support shelters would be enabled. Should personnel be required to work in an exposed area they would wear environmental suits to ensure their survivability. In the event of a hull breach the area would be isolated by forcefields until repairs could be completed. In extreme circumstances evacuation may be ordered.

Warp Core Breach

A Warp Core Breach is the catastrophic failure of the Warp Core resulting, near universally, in the destruction of the afflicted starship. Caused by a number of potential factors, a Warp Core Breach is almost always fatal for the vessel and its staff. At present, should a vessel experience this situation, a number of emergency safeguards are designed to automatically initialize. Forcefields engage to try to isolate the Core from the rest of the Engine Room, emergency fuel shutdown procedures are engaged to cut all matter and antimatter flow to the Core, and vessel evacuation is ordered. Should these processes fail the Duty Officer of Senior Engineer can engage an emergency Warp Core ejection procedure.

Warp Core Ejection

Should these processes fail the Duty Officer of Senior Engineer can engage an emergency Warp Core ejection procedure. Emergency doors would then release exposing the Warp Core to space and miniature explosives would destroy the locking mechanisms holding the Core in place, forcing it to be ejected into space. Emergency bulkheads automatically slide into place to try to isolate the Core from the rest of the ship as it is ejected; however, some areas may be exposed to the vacuum of space in the process and may require emergency medical intervention.

Warp Field Failure

In order to travel through deep space a starship generates a Warp Field that envelopes it in a subspace bubble allowing for Faster Than Light travel. In order to return to normal space the vessel will engage a coordinated sequence of decelerations to return to normal space; however, should this process occur out of the proper sequence, the vessel will be violently returned to normal space causing significant stress on the ship and potential structural collapse. Should this occur the on duty engineer will normally initiate a controlled shutdown of the Warp Core in an effort to stabilize the system. Power is normally increased to the structural integrity field generators and inertial dampening systems in order to enhance the stability of the vessel as it decelerates. In some situations evacuation may be sounded if the vessel cannot be stabilized.

Real World


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