
Below is the Participant Satisfaction Survey for the 16th Fleet Role Playing Group. For each section please answer Yes if you feel that this is done or No if you feel that this is not done. Your information is held strictly confidential and the identity of the responder will not be shared.

A Thank You

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2017 Management Survey for the 16th Fleet Role Playing group. The results will be utilized by the Leadership of the group to enhance our game for all players for the future. Thank you again!

Your E-mail
I am always treated fairly.
I can disagree with Management without fear of getting in trouble
My manager always treats me with respect.
I respect the senior leaders of this organization.
I have adequate opportunities for growth in this organization.
I am comfortable sharing my opinions.
I receive useful and constructive feedback from my Game Manager.
I received appropriate training.
Teamwork is encouraged and practiced in this organization.
I am very committed to this organization.
Information and knowledge are shared openly within this organization.
Our senior management leads by example.
Management listens to what I'm saying.
We work to attract, develop, and retain people with diverse backgrounds.
I receive feedback that helps me improve my performance.
The amount of participation I am asked to do is reasonable.
This organization respects its players.
My GM is actively interested in my development and advancement.
Communication is encouraged in this organization.
My Game Manager gives me praise and recognition when I do a good job.
I am encouraged to learn from my mistakes.
I am always treated fairly by my manager.
In this organization we maintain very high standards of quality.
I am very satisfied with my manager.
Senior management is genuinely interested in player opinions and ideas.
When I do a good job, I receive the praise and recognition I deserve.
The organization's policies for promotion and advancement are always fair.
My Game Manager does a good job of sharing information.
The leaders of this organization know what they are doing.
There is a strong feeling of teamwork and cooperation in this organization.
Senior management communicates well with the rest of the organization.
Other players care about me as a person.
This organization is extremely focused on player needs.
Everybody is treated fairly in this organization.
Favoritism is not an issue.
People with different ideas are valued in this organization.
My game is challenging, stimulating, and rewarding.
My manager values my talents and the contribution I make.
I feel I could be more involved
I am very satisified with this organization.
I feel that the new Fleet Commander should be
Please list any comments you may have here


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